Flowers & Grasses
Anise Hyssop
Agastache foeniculum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2-4’
Spread: 1-3’
*Blossoms open in intervals throughout summer for a continuous show! Native to Wisconsin.*
Bachelor's Button, Dwarf Blue
Centaurea cyanus,
var. Dwarf Blue
Life cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-2'
Spread: 1-2’
*Blooms spring to mid-summer. Heirloom.*
Big Bluestem
Andropogon geradii
Life Cycle: Perennial
Growth Conditions: Warm season
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist to dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 5-8’
Spread: 2-3’
*Great for erosion control. Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Color turns from green/blue-green in summer to red/bronze in fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Black Eyed Susan Vine
Thunbergia alata
Life cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 3-8’
Spread: 3-6’
*Deadheading is not necessary to keep the plant blooming! Blooms spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Blue Vervain
Verbena hastata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; wet, moist, medium moisture; flood tolerant
Height: 3-6’
Spread: 12-30”
*Good for erosion. Low maintenance. Blooms from the bottom up during the summer. Native to Wisconsin.
Blue Wild Indigo
Baptisia australis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 3-4’
*Blooms late spring through mid-summer. Enhances soil health by replenishing nitrogen. Native to Wisconsin.*
Calendula (Dwarf), Fiesta Gitana
Calendula officinalis,
var. Fiesta Gitana
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun; tolerant of partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 9”
*Natural mosquito repellent. Blooms spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Cardinal Flower
Lobelia cardinalis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; wet, moist moisture; tolerates brief flooding
Height: 2-4’
Spread: 6-24”
*Low maintenance. Toxic. Juglone tolerant. Blooms in mid summer to early fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Celosia, Mixed Pampas Plume
Celosia plumosa,
var. Mixed Pampas Plume
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 30”
Spread: 8-10”
*Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
Chinese Forget Me Nots, Blue
Cynoglossum amabile
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium moisture; poor and wet soil tolerant
Height: 1-2'
Plant Spread: 10”
*Blossoms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
Clustered Poppy Mallow
Callirhoe triangulata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium-dry to dry; drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 1-3’
*Low maintenance. May flower the first year, but most take 2-3 years. Flowers open each day and close at night; they bloom in July through Sept. Native to Wisconsin.*
Coleus Blumei, Rainbow Mix
Campanula blumei,
var. Rainbow Mix
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium moisture
Height: 1-3’
Plant Spread: 3’
*Low maintenance. Blossoms spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Columbine, Red
Aquilegia canadensis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Partial sun, partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2’
Spread: 12-18”
*Leaf miner resistant. Toxic and should not be ingested. Blooms in early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Crazy for Cosmos, Mix
Cosmos bipinnatus
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-7’
Plant Spread: 6-36”
*Blossoms summer to fall. Heirloom. *
Cup Plant
Silphium perfoliatum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; wet to medium moisture
Height: 5-10’
Spread: 1-3’
*Low maintenance. Blooms summer to early fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Dahlia, Unwins Bedding
Dahlia variabilis,
var. Unwins Bedding
Life cycle: Annual, becomes a tuber
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium moisture
Height: 20-24”
Plant Spread: 6-8”
*Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
Eastern Purple Coneflower
Echinacea purpurea
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 3-4’
Spread: 18-24"
*Blooms summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Evening Primrose
Oenothera biennis
Life cycle: Biennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 4’
Spread: 2-3’
*Blooms summer throughout fall. Heirloom. Native to Wisconsin*
Nemophila maculata
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium moisture
Height: 1’
Spread: 8”
*A dainty beauty! Does not tolerate high temps well. Blooms spring to summer. Heirloom.*
Four O'Clock, White
Mirabilis jalapa, var. White
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought and wet area tolerant
Height: 2-3’
Spread: 12-18”
*Forms a tuber, so can be dug up and stored over winter. Blooms late summer to early fall, late in day (4pm or later) or on rainy/cloudy afternoons. Heirloom.*
Foxglove, Excelsior Mix
Digitalis purpurea, var. Excelsior Mix
Life cycle: Biennial
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium to medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: up to 47”
Spread: 6-12”
*Toxic. Blooms late spring through summer. Heirloom.*
French Marigold, Court Jester
Tagetes patula,
var. Court Jester
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; somewhat drought tolerant
Height: 20”
Spread: 6-12”
*Repels harmful pests. Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
French Marigold (Dwarf), Petite Mix
Tagetes patula, var. Petite Mix
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; somewhat drought tolerant
Height: 6”
Spread: 6-12”
*Repels harmful pests. Blooms summer to fall.*
French Marigold, Queen Sophia
Tagetes patula,
var. Queen Sophia
Life cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; somewhat drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 6-12”
*Repels harmful pests. Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
Golden Alexander
Zizia aurea
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3’
Spread: 1-2’
*Blooms late spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Great Blue Lobelia
Lobelia siphilitica
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; wet, moist, medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2-5’
Spread: 12-18”
*Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Toxic. Tolerates brief flooding. Native to Wisconsin. *
Hairy Beardtongue
Penstemon hirsutus
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry, dry moisture
Height: 1-2’
Spread: 10-22”
*Low maintenance. Blooms in late spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Hoary Vervain
Verbena stricta
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium-dry, dry moisture
Height: 2-4’
Spread: 18-24”
*Good for erosion. Low maintenance. Blooms from the bottom up during the summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Impatiens, Camelia Flowered Mix
Nemophilia maculata
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 6-30"
Spread: 6-18"
*Blooms late spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Joe Pye Weed
Eutrochium maculatum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Poorly drained soil; wet, moist moisture; flood tolerant
Height: 4-6’
Spread: 3-4'
*Blooms mid-summer to fall. Vanilla scented. Native to Wisconsin.*
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Coreopsis lanceolata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium-dry, dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 2’
Plant Spread: 12-18”
*Blooms late spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Lead Plant
Amorpha canescens
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3’
Spread: 1-2’
*Deer and rabbit resistant once established. Blooms early summer. Enhances soil health by replenishing nitrogen. Native to Wisconsin.*
Little Bluestem
Schizachyrium scoparium
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2-4’
Spread: 18-36”
*Good for erosion control. Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Color turns from green/blue-green in summer to warm copper in fall. Native to WI.
Marigold, Kilimanjaro White
Tagetes erecta nana, var. Kilimanjaro White
Planting infrmation coming soon
Marigold, Starfire
Tagetes signata, var. Starfire
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; somewhat drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 6-12”
*Repels harmful pests. Blooms summer to fall.*
Meadow Blazing Star
Liatris lingulistylis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun; best in full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 6-24”
*Low maintenance. Blooms in late summer to early fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Milkweed, Butterfly Flower
Asclepias tuberosa
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2’
Spread: 12-18”
*Least aggressive milkweed. Blooms mid-summer to fall. Heirloom. Native to Wisconsin.*
Milkweed, Common
Asclepias syriaca
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 2-3’
Planting information: Seeds need to be cold moist stratified for 30-90 days, then surface sown. Take 20-28 days to germinate.
*Is an aggressive grower. Blooms mid-summer to fall. Heirloom. Native to Wisconsin.*
Milkweed, Rose
Asclepias incarnata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun; shade tolerant
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; wet, moist, medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 2-3’
*Blooms mid-summer to fall. Heirloom. Native to Wisconsin.*
Milkweed, Whorled
Asclepias verticillata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-3’
Spread: 2-3’
*Low maintenance. Blooms in end of summer to fall. Toxic and should not be ingested. Native to Wisconsin.*
Morning Glory, Grandpa Ott
Ipomoea purpurea
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 8’-10’
Spread: 3-6’
*Entire plant is poisonous. Each flower blossoms only once, during the day. Blooms mid-summer to early fall. Heirloom. *
Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue
Ipomoea tricolor
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 10-12’
Spread: 3-6’
*Entire plant is poisonous. Each flower blossoms only once, during the day. Blooms mid-summer to early fall. Heirloom. *
Morning Glory, Moon Flower
Ipomoea alba
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 10-20’
Spread: 3-6’
*Entire plant is poisonous. Each flower blossoms only once, during the day. Blooms mid-summer to early fall. Heirloom. *
Morning Glory, Scarlet O’Hara
Ipomoea nil
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 8’-10’
Spread: 3-6’
*Entire plant is poisonous. Each flower blossoms only once, during the day. Blooms mid-summer to early fall. Heirloom. *
Moss Rose, Double Mix
Portulaca grandiflora,
var. Double Mix
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 4-10”
Spread: 6-12”
*Heat tolerant. All plant parts are toxic to dogs and cats. Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
Nasturtium, Jewel Mixed Colors
Tropaeolum majus nanum,
var. Jewel Mixed Colors
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 8-14”
*Great companion to vegetables. Blooms spring to summer. Adds nutrients to soil. Heirloom.*
New England Aster
Symphyotrichum novae-angliae
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3-6’
Spread: 2-3’
*Blooms late summer to fall. Heirloom. Native to Wisconsin.*
New Jersey Tea
Ceanothus americanus
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 3-5’
*Nitrogen fixing to soil. Blooms in summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Nodding Onion
Allium cernuum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture
Height: up to 18”
Spread: 4-12”
*Juglone tolerant. Blooms July through August usually in 2nd or 3rd year. Native to WI*
Obedient Plant
Physostegia virginiana
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial sun
Soil Requirements: Poorly drained soil; wet to medium moisture
Height: 4’
Spread: 2-3’
*Blooms open bottom to top. Blooms summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Pale Corydalis
Corydalis sempervirens
Life Cycle: Biennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-4’
Spread: 1-2’
*Blooms spring to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Pale Purple Coneflower
Echinacea pallida
Life cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained; medium-dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 2-3’
Spread: 12-18”
*Blooms early summer. Native to WI.*
Pearly Everlasting
Anaphalis margaritacea
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-3’
Spread: 1-2’
*Blooms late summer through fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Petunia, Alderman Blue
Petunia nana compacta,
var. Alderman Blue
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 14”
Spread: 9-12”
*Spreading growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Balcony Mix
Petunia hybrida nana compacta,
var. Balcony Mix
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 9-12”
*Spreading growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Karkulka
Petunia hybrida, var. Karkulka
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium to medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 1’
*Blooms summer to fall. Semi-trailing growth habit.*
Petunia, Lace Veil
Petunia hybrida, var. Lace Veil
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 13”
Spread: 9-12”
*Spreading growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Rose of Heaven
Petunia hybrida nana compata, var. Rose of Heaven
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 9-12”
*Spreading growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Sparklers
Petunia hybrida, var. Sparklers
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 14”
*Semitrailing growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Superbissima Cosmic Cherry
Petunia superbissima, var. Superbissima Cosmic Cherry
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 12-14”
Spread: 10-12”
*Spreading growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Superbissima Giant Alba
Petunia superbissima, var. Superbissima Giant Alba
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 9”
Spread: 28”
*Semi-trailing growth habit. Blooms summer to fall.*
Petunia, Superbissima Giant Rose
Petunia superbissima, var. Giant Rose
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium to medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 12-14”
Spread: 10-12”
*Blooms summer to fall. Semi-trailing growth habit.*
Phlox, Dwarf Mix
Phlox drummondil,
var. Dwarf Mix
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 12-16”
*Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
Prairie Blazing Star
Liatris pycnostachya
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; wet, moist, medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2-6’
Spread: 6”-2’
*Low maintenance. Blooms in late summer to early fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Prairie Dropseed
Sporobolus heterolepis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2-3’
Spread: 2-3’
*Good for erosion control. Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Color turns from deep green in summer to coppery orange in the fall. Native to WI.
Prairie Phlox
Phlox Pilosa
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, part sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry, dry moisture
Height: 1-2’
Spread: 12-18”
*Low maintenance. Resistant to Powdery Mildew. Blooms late spring to mid-summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Prairie Pussytoes
Antennaria neglecta
Life cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought and poor soil tolerant
Height: 6-12”
Spread: 6-12”
*Low maintenance. Blooms late spring to early summer. Native to WI.*
Prarie Smoke
Geum triflorum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture
Height: 6-18”
Spread: 6-12”
*Blooms late spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Primrose, Victoriana Gold Lace Black
Primula elatior, var. Victoriana Gold Lace Black
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium moisture
Height: 1’
Spread: 6-12”
*Verticillium Wilt Resistant. Blooms early spring to early summer. Heirloom.*
Primrose, Wanda Mixed Colors
Primula elatior,
var. Wanda Mixed Colors
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium moisture
Height: 4”
Spread: 8”
*Verticillium Wilt Resistant. Blooms early spring to early summer. Heirloom.*
Purple Clematis
Clematis occidentalist, var. occidentalis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture
Height: up to 6’
Spread: 3-4’
*Juglone tolerant. Blooms spring to mid-summer usually in 2nd or 3rd year. Native to WI*
Purple Love Grass
Eragrostis spectabilis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; dry moisture
Height: 1-2’
Spread: 1-2’
*Great for erosion control. Great for a lawn alternative that is exposed to light foot traffic. Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Native to Wisconsin.*
Purple Prairie Clover
Dalea purpurea
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry, dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-3’
Spread: 12-18”
*Blooms summer to early fall. Enhances soil health by replenishing nitrogen. Native to Wisconsin.*
Rattlesnake Master
Eryngium yuccifolium
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 2-3’
*Low maintenance. Honey-like fragrance. Blooms summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Rose Mallow
Hibiscus laevis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Poorly drained soil; wet, moist moisture
Height: 3-6’
Spread: 3-4’
*Low maintenance. Blooms mid-summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Rough Blazing Star
Liatris aspera
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2-5’
Spread: 1-2’
*Blooms mid-summer to fall. Heirloom. Native to Wisconsin.*
Side-Oats Grama
Bouteloua curtipendula
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium to dry moisture
Height: 2-3’
Spread: 15-24”
*Great for erosion control. Quick to establish. Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Flowers of the grass are bright purple and orange. Native to Wisconsin.*
Snapdragon, Brighton Rock
Antirrhinum majus,
var. Brighton Rock
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3’
Spread: 6-18”
*Blooms late spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Snapdragon, Tetra Mixed
Antirrhinum majus,
var. Tetra Mixed
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirement: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 28”
Spread: 6-18”
*Blooms late spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Aralia racemosa
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Partial shade full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium moisture; drought tolerant once established
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 3-5’
*Low maintenance. Takes at least 1-2 years to flower. Flowers bloom in Aug, berries form in late Aug through Sept. Native to Wisconsin.*
Spotted Bee Balm
Monarda punctata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium-dry to dry moisture; drought tolerant; poor soil tolerant
Height: 2-3’
Spread: 1-2’
*Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Blooms mid-summer to early fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Sundial Lupine
Lupinus perennis,
subsp. perennis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium-dry, dry moisture
Height: 1-2’
Spread: 8-12”
*Blooms late spring to mid-summer. Enhances soil health by replenishing nitrogen. Native to Wisconsin.*
Panicum virgatum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun to partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist to dry moisture
Height: 3-10’
Spread: 2’
*Low maintenance. Good for erosion control. Juglone tolerant. Native to WI.*
Sweet Alyssum, Rosie O'Day
Lobularia maritima,
var. Rosie O'Day
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 6”
Spread: 6-12”
*All American Selection Winner. Blooms spring to fall.*
Sweet Alyssum, Royal Carpet
Lobularia maritima,
var. Royal Carpet
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 4-6”
Spread: 6-10”
*Blooms spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Sweet Alyssum, Tall White
Lobularia maritima,
var. Tall White
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; poor soil and drought tolerant
Height: 1’
Spread: 1’
*Blooms spring to fall. Heirloom.*
Sweet Joe Pye Weed
Eutrochium purpureum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture
Height: 4-7’
Spread: 2-4’
*Vanilla scented. Blooms mid-summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Tall Bellflower
Campanula americana
Life Cycle: Annual/Biennial
Light Requirements: Partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture
Height: 3-5’
Spread: 1-2’
*Low maintenance. Juglone tolerant. Blooms mid-summer to late fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Violet Wood Sorrel
Oxalis violacea
planting information coming soon
Virginia Waterleaf
Hydrophylm virginianum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Partial sun, partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 1-2’
Spread: 1-2’
*Low maintenance. Blooms in late spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Wild Bergamot
Monarda fistulosa
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 4’
Spread: 3-4’
*Blooms summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Wild Blue Phlox
Phlox divaricata
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; moist, medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 6-12”
Spread: 1’
*Blooms late spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Wild Geranium
Geranium maculatum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade, full shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 18-24”
Spread: 12-18”
*Low maintenance. Blooms in spring to early summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Wild Petunia
Ruellia humilis
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun, partial sun, partial shade
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium to dry moisture; drought tolerant; poor soil tolerant
Height: 18-24”
Spread: 18-24”
*Low maintenance. Blooms all summer. Native to Wisconsin.*
Winged Loosestrife
Lythrum alatum
Life Cycle: Perennial
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Poorly drained soil; wet to moist moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 3’
Spread: 2-3’
*Low maintenance. Blooms summer to fall. Native to Wisconsin.*
Zinnia, Lilliput White
Zinnia elegans
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 2’
Plant Spread: 6”
*Heat tolerant. Blooms summer to fall. Benefits as a Japanese Beetle trap crop. Heirloom.*
Zinnia, Old Mexico
Zinnia haageana
Life Cycle: Annual
Light Requirements: Full sun
Soil Requirements: Well drained soil; medium, medium-dry moisture; drought tolerant
Height: 18”
Plant Spread: 6”
*Heat tolerant. Benefits as a Japanese Beetle trap crop. Blooms summer to fall. Heirloom.*
*Full Sun: 6hrs or more of direct sunlight
*Part Sun/Part Shade: 2-6hrs of direct sunlight
*Shade: less than 2hrs of direct sunlight
*Wet: soggy or marshy most of the yr
*Moist: excessively wet in winter, spring, after heavy rain, but often dries in summer
*Medium: average garden soil, water soaks in with no run-off
*Medium-Dry: well drained, water is removed from soil readily, but not rapidly
*Dry: excessively drained
*All plants available may not be listed, and all plants listed may not be available.
*All plants sold by Cain Greenhouse are rated for hardiness zone 4 by our seed suppliers, unless noted.